
Cart Totals

Subtotal $35.80 (incl. tax)
Technology & Service Fee YHF3R $8.00
Technology & Service Fee HF3R $8.00
Total $51.80 (includes $1.80 Sales Tax)

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× HF3R Built Different Podcast Special  $35.80 $35.80 (incl. tax)
HF3R Built Different Podcast SpecialYouth Hope-focused 3 “R” (HF3R) Suicide Prevention Training  $69.00 6.4595081197E+14 $44,570,606,025,930,000.00 (incl. tax)
HF3R Built Different Podcast SpecialHope-focused 3 “R” (HF3R) Suicide Prevention Training $39.00 1 $39.00 (incl. tax)