
Biblical Counseling 201

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $299.00.


Welcome to Biblical Counseling 201: Evidence-based Christian Counseling! Dr. Harold Koenig, a pioneering professor, and research leader, offers a clear road map on evidence-based Christian Counseling and examines and profiles clinical application for depression, anxiety, moral injury, and more. Participants will learn the step-by-step procedures to help clients through some of the problematic issues and challenges of life.

BCOU 201: Introduction and Overview

What is evidence-based Christian counseling? This first session will introduce Dr. Harold Koenig as the course presenter and provide viewers with a detailed walk-through of the course.

BCOU 202: Definitions: A Thorny Issue

Understanding the terms is foundational to any counseling approach. This presentation will define a number of key terms in Christian clinical practice and equip counselors to understand the groundwork for the treatment strategies in this course.

BCOU 203: The Evidence Base: Research on Religion, Mental, and Social Health

Religious involvement plays a fundamental role in mental health. People use religion as a way to cope with trauma and distress. In this lecture, Dr. Koenig presents research on religion and mental health in areas of a variety of common psychiatric issues.

BCOU 204: The Evidence Base: Behavioral and Physical Health

Physical health has a significant impact on mental health. This research-based lecture explores the mind-body relationship and how a person’s lifestyle choices can influence his/her emotional well-being.

BCOU 205: Identifying Problems Treatable by Counseling

Counseling is a profession that must be taken seriously. In some instances, the counselor must refer the client for psychiatric or medical assistance. This session walks viewers through the benefits and limitations of counseling and the dangers of exceeding limits.

BCOU 206: Christian Counseling for Depression/Anxiety – Part 1

How effective is Christian Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? This lecture addresses practical tools for helping clients through depression and anxiety using biblically-based CBT. Dr. Koenig provides strategies and techniques for the first five sessions of counseling those from a variety of religious backgrounds.

BCOU 207: Christian Counseling for Depression/Anxiety – Part 2

Christian Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comes with unique challenges and therapy goals. This lecture covers sessions 6-10 of conducting counseling for depression and anxiety. Dr. Koenig provides in-depth detail and step-by-step guidance for a therapeutic counseling session utilizing research-based CBT.

BCOU 208: Moral Injury in the Setting of Life Trauma

Moral injury is a syndrome that often occurs in the setting of trauma. While moral injury is no the same as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), it frequently occurs in similar populations. In this lecture, Dr. Koenig will discuss the distinction between PTSD and moral injury, along with ways to detect moral injury in clients.

BCOU 209: Christian Counseling for Moral Injury – Part 1

When people suffer a moral injury, it can be detrimental to their emotional, physical, and spiritual health. In this lecture, Dr. Harold Koenig walks viewers the 12 sessions of conducting Christian-based counseling for moral injury, focusing primarily on the foundational first and second sessions.

BCOU 210: Christian Counseling for Moral Injury – Part 2

Moral injury can occur in a variety of ways. This session explores ten common moral injury dimensions and how to help clients as they work through each issue. Dr. Koenig provides detailed intervention strategies and scriptural support for each type of moral injury.

BCOU 211: Christian Counseling for Moral Injury – Part 3

After helping clients identify the source and underlying beliefs violated by moral injury, counselors can move forward with treatment solutions. In this lecture, Dr. Koenig describes the treatment modules that are key to addressing each of the Moral Injury dimensions.

BCOU 212: The Key to Successful Counseling: The Counselor

Research indicates that the most important and effective aspect of treatment is not the therapeutic approach but the counselor him/herself. This lesson focuses on how counselors can maximize their potential and effectiveness to their clients of all faith backgrounds through the therapeutic relationship.

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