
Brain Health Coaching




This course focuses on the clinical aspects of brain health, including detailed information about SPECT brain scans. Brain Health Coaching includes four modules that contain practical life tips regarding the neurology and neurobiology of the brain. Brain health impacts almost every aspect of a person’s life, from inward thoughts and emotions to outward actions. This is a resource that will add depth to any coaching or counseling practice.

Course Lessons

Module 1:

BHC 101: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, and the Brains and Lives of Others

Brain health is essential to a healthy, happy life, yet millions of Americans deal with brain issues at some point in their lives. Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and obesity are rampant in today’s society, and they all have a common factor: brain health. Dr. Amen describes the mission and methods of Amen Clinics in order to provide the backdrop for this course. Brain health is an issue that should not be overlooked if people desire to live a long, healthy life.

BHC 102: 9 Principles to Change Your Brain and Your Life

When you change your brain, you can completely transform your life. Dr. Daniel Amen devotes this session to talking about nine different principles that can help people understand the power of the brain to change lives. A healthy brain is essential to a healthy life, and even if the brain has been damaged in the past, there are ways to change the brain and gain back part of what was lost. Ultimately, it is possible for even the people with the most damaged brains to improve their lives by improving their brains.

BHC 103: Brain Behavior Systems: Functions, Problems, and Solutions

The brain system includes many different parts that play different roles. Each of these individual parts of the brain have different functions, and along with these functions, different problems and solutions. In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Amen goes through the anatomy of the brain and describes the different sections and their functions. When damage occurs in different areas of the brain, the consequences can differ. Through informative teaching and revealing brain scans, Dr. Amen uses this presentation to help shed light on the issues surrounding the brain.

BHC 104: Subtyping ADD, Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, and Obesity

In the early days of brain imaging, it was thought that there would be a consistent pattern of abnormal brain activity connecting ADD, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. However, it was soon found that all of these issues had multiple types within each disorder. This led to a breakthrough in practice and a better understanding of how best to treat each of these problems. In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Amen identifies the different subtypes of ADD, Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, and Obesity and provides information regarding the best ways to treat each subtype.

Module 2:

BHC 105: Neuroimaging: Looking at the Brain Changes Everything

In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Amen will be breaking down the complicated process of neuroimaging and demonstrating the clinical significance of brain scans. Brain imaging has the potential to significantly change the face of psychiatry, as it allows clinicians to identify the neurobiological causes of different mental health issues. Dr. Amen describes the step-by-step process of SPECT imaging, comparing and contrasting it with other forms of scans. This presentation will help viewers understand how brain imaging works and why it is so beneficial in practice.

BHC 106: Amen Clinics Method: Healing in the 4 Circles

Healing is a multi-faceted process that takes place in four different ways: biological, psychological, social, and spiritual. The Amen Clinics Method utilizes all four of these “circles” in helping people recover from brain injuries. Dr. Amen discusses the importance of taking a thorough examination of a client’s history through a variety of questionnaires and intake forms. These help make the correct diagnosis and properly interpret the brain scans. Brain SPECT imaging improves results and outcomes for clients and is extremely valuable in confirming diagnoses.

Module 3:

BHC 107: Brain Healthy Supplements

You can jump-start your way to a healthy brain without prescription medications that will impact your health insurance and land you with complicated side effects! Supplements are natural ways to improve your brain health with significantly decreased side effects. Multivitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and Vitamin D supplements are just a few of the ways that Dr. Amen suggests improving your health. This presentation will describe the benefits and problems with supplements and provide detailed information about the different supplement options that are available and how they are used.

BHC 108: Boosting Brain Reserve

For those who want to have a healthy brain, there are many things that can be done to boost brain reserves, starting with brain envy. In order to achieve a healthy brain, you have to want a healthy brain. In this presentation, Dr. Amen will discuss things to avoid and things to pursue when working to improve your brain health. Ultimately, brain health is achievable as long as you focus on the goal, avoid the things that will hurt your brain, and work on maintaining a healthy diet and exercise.

BHC 109: Physical Exercise

Today’s world is a world of obesity and apathy. Physical exercise is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy brain. There are many benefits of exercise, cognitively, physically, and emotionally. In this module, Dr. Amen describes the positive effects of energy on mental health and the various other benefits that regular exercise can have on the body and brain. Like most things, exercise is best in moderation. Dr. Amen provides guidelines as to what forms of exercise are most beneficial and how people can get the best results for optimum health.

BHC 110: Brain Healthy Nutrition Principles

Food is medicine – or food is poison. In this presentation, Dr. Amen provides helpful ways to understand nutrition and take care of your body through what you feed it. Food is essential for life, but when people eat the wrong kinds of food, it can be damaging to the body and the brain. Dr. Amen focuses on high quality calories, smart carbohydrates, “clean foods,” and provides an overview of how gut health impacts the body. Proper nutrition is foundational to a healthy brain, and this presentation

Module 4:

BHC 111: Science of Change and Self-Control

You are not stuck with the brain you have – you can make it better, but you have to care and be willing to put the effort into making the necessary changes. In this presentation, Dr. Amen describes the importance of motivation. In order to get well, you have to understand why you want to get well. Then, once the decision is made, steps need to be taken to stay on the correct path. Dr. Amen also provides suggestions and guidance for getting cravings under control. With motivation and willpower, you can change your brain and your life.

BHC 112: Killing the ANTs: Directing Your Thoughts

Automatic negative thoughts, or ANTs, can be pervasive and painful, and without interventions, they can significantly hinder attempts to change your brain. In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Amen describes the different types of ANTs and how to go about defeating them. Multiple techniques are covered to challenge and defeat the automatic negative thoughts. Focusing on gratitude and enthusiasm for life rather than on the negatives can make a significant difference in the brain. To truly have a healthy brain, it is important to control your thoughts rather than letting your thoughts control you.

BHC 113: Innovative Treatments

There are multiple ways to improve brain functions. While medicines can often help people, there are other alternatives that can have equal or greater results. This presentation describes some of the many innovative treatment options that are available for people with brain issues. Dr. Amen describes the seven categories of innovative treatment and goes into detail on several of the ones he has found particularly effective.

BHC 114: Decreasing the Risk for Brain Aging, Alzheimer’s, and Other Forms of Dementia

The memory loss and brain problems that come with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are not inevitable. Although there are genetic predispositions towards these issues, there are a number of steps that can be taken to prevent age-related memory problems. This presentation details the prevalence and types of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and then presents practical steps that people can do to prevent memory loss. With early detection and treatment, the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease can be significantly delayed.

BHC 115: Creating Brain Healthy Communities

Life is lived in community, and healthy living should be done in community as well. Groups have power, and through effective leadership, lives can be changed dramatically. Churches are a great place to start, since they tend to feed the soul but harm the body with the type of food they offer to their members. In this presentation, Dr. Amen describes practical ways to create a healthy brain program and encourage your friends, family, coworkers, and clients to live out a brain-healthy life.

Continuing Education

10.0 CE Credits available for LPC, LMFT, and LCSW.

10.0 CE Credits available for IBCC Credential Holders.

The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) offers some psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers and play therapists Continuing Education (CE) credit due for good standing with certain states and a limited number of professional organizations. It remains the responsibility of each participant to be aware of state licensure and CE requirements. Participants should check their state and/or local regulations regarding required continuing education hours. For more information Light University Continuing Education programs, please visit: https://lightuniversity.com/continuing-education-statements/ . 

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