
Caring for People God’s Way (NVP)



Continuing Education   

Caring for People God’s Way will help equip counselors and mental health caregivers to respond to the growing needs of others who are broken and in need of healing. Each course comes complete with six lessons, worktext and, of course, exams – all of which will assist caregivers in providing competent and compassionate care to those who are hurting. Unit 1: Introduction to Biblical Counseling BCOU 101: Becoming a Christian Counselor Some believe that God’s love language is people and He cares deeply for His creation. He also calls us to Himself and desires to work through others to touch those who are hurting and bring them a message of hope. This session introduces the tough issues that commonly result in pain and brokenness, the modern-day search for answers, and the biblical basis of a competent counseling ministry. BCOU 102: Using Your Spiritual Gifts in Counseling Knowing one’s ministry strengths and spiritual gift areas are important in caregiving. Knowing how to connect with someone in pain is just as critical. With the right outlook, people can better recognize how these factors impact their relational skills approach to counseling others. This session addresses foundational scriptural principles for understanding and maximizing spiritual gifts in caregiving ministries. BCOU 103: Helping Others Find Significance in Life Who a person is “in Christ” can make all the difference in the world and the concept of self-worth is vital to the helping relationship. This session outlines root causes that negatively impact one’s identity, the false beliefs that maintain them, and the resulting sense of guilt, shame, punishment, and hopelessness. God’s solutions are applied which then help people experience greater freedom and wholeness. BCOU 104: The Power of Truth How are a person’s problems understood from a biblical perspective? How would a counselor determine the factors that hinder lasting change in people? This session teaches a diagnostic template called the TRUTH Principle, as well as provides a therapeutic roadmap for effective problem identification. The result is knowing how to lead a person into genuine repentance, both in heart and in habit. BCOU 105: Overcoming Depression Depression affects nearly one in five Americans and can come upon an individual gradually or suddenly. If not properly recognized and dealt with in a timely fashion, it can impair a person’s ability to function. This session discusses the causes, physical effects, and neurobiology of depression, while offering positive suggestions and encouragement that can be applied toward recovery and well-being. BCOU 106: Surviving Sexual Abuse: On the Threshold of Hope Untold millions have been abused by someone they love or trust. The effects of abuse are staggering, but a healing path is possible in Christ. This session provides insight to equip the church in facing the reality of sexual trauma, understanding its impact, knowing the basics of protecting the vulnerable in one’s community and guidelines to help the wounded step through the threshold of hope.