
Child Abuse 2.0

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $69.00.



According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three girls and one in five boys will experience some form of abuse, 90% by someone the child knows and trusts. Child Abuse 2.0 is designed to offer helpful and practical insights for ongoing training in this critical area for mental health providers by looking at the nature of abuse, how to treat child victims through the use of play therapy techniques, and having a solid understanding of the legal system in dealing with the aftermath.

Learning Objectives

Participants will...

  1. Identify how childhood sexual abuse affects a victim and strategies to help break the “power of the secret.”
  2. Describe how play therapy techniques can be used to help children communicate about their abuse and move towards healing.
  3. Differentiate between civil and criminal law in regards to child sexual abuse and explain how a mental health professional is to appropriate report abuse to the correct authorities.

Course Lessons and Descriptions

CHAB 101: Shattered Trust: Child Sexual Abuse

June Hunt, M.A.
Sexual abuse damages the core of a child’s inner being and its long tentacles reach deep, choking the young heart, killing innocence and trust, and creating trauma and confusion. June Hunt shares strategies for breaking the “power of the secret” and offers biblical hope for Christian clients, practical help, and the essential steps needed for healing childhood sexual abuse.

Runtime: 49 minutes 15 seconds

CHAB 102: Treating Child Abuse Survivors: Lessons from a Play Therapist

Daniel Sweeney, Ph.D.
Children often “speak” through the language of play and, when working with sexually-abused children, it is paramount for counselors to have a basic grasp of the therapeutic paradigm associated with play therapy. In this presentation, Daniel Sweeney unpacks the structure, treatment goals, and core techniques of play therapy, while offering developmentally-appropriate interventions.

Runtime: 43 minutes 0 seconds

CHAB 103: Child Abuse and the Law

Molly Catherine Goodson, M.A., J.D.
The legal system can be complex and challenging for mental health professionals to navigate, especially if they work in a faith-based counseling ministry setting. However, when mental health professionals suspect or know of alleged child abuse, they must respond appropriately and in a timely manner. Attorney and counselor educator, Molly Catherine Goodson, discusses the differences between civil and criminal law when dealing with cases of child sexual abuse.

Runtime: 48 minutes 52 seconds

Continuing Education

2.25 CE Credits available for LPC, LMFT, LSW.

2.25 CE Credits available for IBCC Credential Holders.

The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) offers some psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers and play therapists Continuing Education (CE) credit due for good standing with certain states and a limited number of professional organizations. It remains the responsibility of each participant to be aware of state licensure and CE requirements. Participants should check their state and/or local regulations regarding required continuing education hours. For more information Light University Continuing Education programs, please visit: https://lightuniversity.com/continuing-education-statements/.