
Grief and Loss 301

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $299.00.


Grief and Loss 301 offers helpful and practical insights for ongoing training when dealing with children suffering from grief and loss. Childhood Grief, Loss, and Trauma examines the significant emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and relational obstacles that children and their families must face and overcome, including topics related to attachment theory, neurobiological considerations, development and early life experiences, communicating with children through the world of play, the legal system, and important spiritual factors.

Continuing Education
This course includes 12 Continuing Education (CE) credits approved for counselors, life coaches, and crisis responders who are credentialed through the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC) or one of its affiliate boards: the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counseling (BCPPC); the Board of Christian Life Coaching (BCLC); the Board of Mental Health Coaching (BMHC) and the Board of Christian Crisis and Trauma Response (BCCTR).

Course Lessons

GAL 301: Childhood Grief, Loss, and Trauma: An Introduction
Tim Clinton, Ed.D. and Eric Scalise, Ph.D.
When children experience loss and trauma, they grieve just as much as adults. Yet they often express their grief in different ways. In this presentation, Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Eric Scalise will explore some of the different causes of grief in children, along with signs and symptoms that children are experiencing intense grief. Treatment strategies for working with grieving children will also be discussed. Children are an often overlooked population when it comes to grief, but helping children work through their grief can make an incredible difference in their lives.

GAL 302: Childhood Attachment: Relationship Wounds, Styles, and Interventions
Joshua Straub, Ph.D.
A child’s attachment style impacts how that child will interact with people throughout his or her lifetime. When children experience trauma, whether that be emotional, physical, relational, or any other type of trauma, that experience can influence how the child views others and the world around them. Children want to know if they are safe, and emotional wounds negate that feeling of safety. In this presentation, Dr. Joshua Straub will unpack the attachment styles and guide viewers through ways to help children who have undergone trauma.

GAL 303: The Effects of Trauma on Childhood Development
Barry Lord, Psy.D.
Science has revealed that emotional trauma changes brain functioning at the place where the “emotional brain” and “survival brain” meet. This presentation examines recent brain research, emotional trauma in childhood, the effects on the developing person, and long-term psychological risks. Dr. Lord discusses relevant brain structures and the relationship of early childhood emotional trauma on the developing brain, personality and relationships.

GAL 304: Child and Adolescent Stress and Trauma: Assessment and Diagnosis
Jonathan Robinson, Ph.D.
Stress and trauma affect everyone differently, but children are particularly impacted by traumatic events. Depending on their developmental stage, children need different responses from counselors and caregivers. Dr. Jonathan Robinson will talk viewers through stress and trauma in childhood and provide assessment tips, diagnostic tools, and treatment strategies.

GAL 305: Shattered Trust: Childhood Sexual Abuse
June Hunt, M.A.
Nothing damages the core of a child’s inner being like sexual abuse. Its long tentacles reach deep, choking the young heart, killing innocence and trust, leaving its victim in darkness—a place no child should ever have to experience. Childhood sexual abuse is almost always committed by someone the child knows. Such familiarity sets the stage for a child to be all the more vulnerable, traumatized, and confused. Children victimized by sexual abuse are in bondage to “the secret.” Therefore, the best strategy for breaking the power of the secret is to gently lead the child into the light of grace and truth—to reveal the truth and heal from the truth. In this presentation, you will identify the typical course of childhood sexual abuse, the profile of perpetrators, the root cause of this type of abusive relationship, and the essential steps for healing childhood sexual abuse. June Hunt offers biblical hope and practical help for the abused as well as those who care about them.

GAL 306: Helping Children Cope with Grief through a Divorce
Deanna McClannahan, M.A.
Parents are a child’s means of survival, so when mom and dad decide to part ways, it can shake the very foundations of a child’s world. Divorce in America is a widespread problem, and children are often the unintended and invisible victims. In this presentation, Deanna McClannahan walks counselors through how children are affected by divorce. The effects of divorce on children can be long-lasting and far-reaching, making it essential for counselors to know how to help children work through the grief that comes with divorce.

GAL 307: Domestic Violence and Children: Impact and Treatment Issues
Heather Gingrich, Ph.D.
Domestic violence has far-reaching effects, but few more significant than the impact on children. Whether or not the child is the direct victim of the abuse, growing up in a home where intimate partner violence is prevalent can have an extremely detrimental effect on their lifelong development and worldview. This presentation explores what can be done to help children who are negatively impacted by growing up in a home full of domestic violence.

GAL 308: Child Sex Trafficking: The Growing Epidemic
Jeanne Allert, M.Ed.
Childhood sex trafficking is an appalling stain upon today’s world. In this presentation, Jeanne Allert, founder of Samaritan Woman Ministries, will discuss the components of human trafficking along with methods traffickers use on their victims. She will present case studies and real-life examples derived from her many years of working with human trafficking victims.

GAL 309: Treating Child Abuse Survivors: Lessons from a Play Therapist
Daniel Sweeney, Ph.D.
Children speak though the language of play. When working with sexually abused children, it is paramount that counselors have a firm grasp of play therapy, since children will not respond to adult therapeutic techniques due to their developmental level. In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Sweeney unpacks several goals and techniques of play therapy. Child abuse is a pervasive and heartbreaking problem, and counselors, especially those who work with children, must be equipped with knowledge of play therapy so as to most effectively help their young clients.

GAL 310: Guidance and Support for Children with Developmental Disabilities
Stephanie Holmes, M.A.
Grief and loss are abstract ideas for neurotypically developing children who will also struggle to understand and describe meaning to this experience. What about those children who are developmentally delayed? This seminar will provide a brief overview of stages of development to compare neurotypically developing children and grief with those children who may be developmentally delayed or impaired. Best practices of grief care for children on the autism spectrum will be examined with the nuances considering the degree of loss how it impacts the child's daily routine.

GAL 311: When the Innocence of a Child Meets the Complexities of the Legal System
Molly Catherine Goodson, M.A., J.D., Esq.
The legal system can be complex and challenging for counselors to navigate, but when counselors suspect child abuse, they must report it to the authorities. In this presentation, Molly-Catherine Goodson, a prosecuting attorney from North Carolina, unpacks the difference between civil and criminal law when dealing with cases of child abuse. Counselors must be aware of their responsibilities as mandated reporters of child abuse.

GAL 312: A Kingdom Such as This: Understanding God’s Heart for Children
Jared Pingleton, Psy.D.
When children experience loss, they grieve. A child’s grief, however, may look different than an adult’s grief based on the child’s developmental level. Dr. Jared Pingleton will walk listeners through how to approach grief based on the child’s age and the type of loss that occurred. Counselors will learn how to discuss death with children, including ideas of what to say and what not to say.

Continuing Education
This course includes 12 Continuing Education (CE) credits approved for counselors, life coaches, and crisis responders who are credentialed through the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC) or one of its affiliate boards: the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counseling (BCPPC); the Board of Christian Life Coaching (BCLC); the Board of Mental Health Coaching (BMHC) and the Board of Christian Crisis and Trauma Response (BCCTR).