
Spiritual Disciplines



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Spiritual Disciplines is designed for individual study or small groups. This course features Dr. John Ortberg and Nancy Ortberg as they unpack issues of spirituality, spiritual disciplines, and living spiritually transformed lives.

Course Lessons

SPD 101: The Spiritual Life: Experiencing God in the Here and Now

There is great interest today in moving beyond studying and knowing about God to experiencing God and in living spiritually transformed lives. The way to spiritual fulfillment is the way of spiritual discipline - disciplines and practices that draw us closer to God - which are available to everyone, even ordinary people.

SPD 102: Spiritual Disciplines: Helping Ordinary People Grow

The key to spiritual growth, like any other goal or pursuit - academically, artistically, athletically - is discipline. To grow spiritually, we need spiritual disciplines. Spiritual disciplines are practices that help us overcome the sins that separate us from God -both the sins of commission and omission.

SPD 103: Having a Quiet Time with God: Communicating with God through Prayer

The Psalmist says, "Be still and know that I am God" (46:10). We can't know God unless we are 'still.' So the first step or discipline is to be alone with God, to be in solitude with God, to have regular 'quiet time' with God.

SPD 104: Meditating on Scripture: Washing our Minds with God’s Word

Many people have a sense of guilt because they don't read the Bible or because they don't read it as regularly as they think they should. The key to reading the Bible is to read it slowly - only a few verses at a time - so that what we read becomes part of our very being or fabric. When we read the Bible in this way, we soak our minds in God's word.

SPD 105: Living the Spiritual Life: The Action Side of Spirituality

Paul tells the Ephesians that, 'we are created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (2: 10). Doing good works is the action side of spirituality or faith. The spiritual discipline is servanthood. The key to being a good servant is to discover your spiritual gifts -those things that you like to do and enjoy and are good at -and to use them to love and serve others.

SPD 106: Developing a Rule of Life: Having a Well-Ordered Life

To grow spiritually, we need to develop a rule of life or a pattern for our lives. This is a better word than 'balance,' which John says isn't a big enough word for what Christians are called to do in the world. How can we live as Christians in the world? By doing everything in the name of Jesus.

Continuing Education

3.0 CE Credits available for IBCC Credential Holders.

The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) offers some psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers and play therapists Continuing Education (CE) credit due for good standing with certain states and a limited number of professional organizations. It remains the responsibility of each participant to be aware of state licensure and CE requirements. Participants should check their state and/or local regulations regarding required continuing education hours. For more information Light University Continuing Education programs, please visit: https://lightuniversity.com/continuing-education-statements/ 

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