
TIC 201: Critical Issues and Skill Development in Trauma-informed Care and Coaching

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $299.00.


TIC 201: Critical Issues and Skill Development in Trauma-informed Care and Coaching


Trauma significantly impacts a person’s mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and is a risk factor for numerous mental and behavioral health disorders. Trauma is a life-changing experience, and there is never a one-size-fits-all path to recovery. Critical Issues and Skill Development in Trauma-informed Care and Coaching will prepare a coach to work with anyone who has experienced a traumatic event. In this course, you will learn how to develop the necessary skills to mitigate further harm or re-traumatization and help clients carve a path forward to reclaim their sense of self and the life God has for them.

Learning Objectives 
Participants will... 

  1. Define the scope of trauma-informed coaching and identify the key roles and ethical issues involved. 
  2. Describe strategies for building rapport and earning trust with trauma survivors 
  3. Explain the role of forgiveness in trauma recovery and how it impacts communication and boundary-setting in coaching relationships. 
  4. Assess and address common challenges and obstacles that clients may face when implementing core lifestyle practices for trauma recovery. 
  5. Articulate the ethical principles and guidelines specific to trauma-informed coaching 
  6. Define post-traumatic growth (PTG) and explain its significance in the context of trauma recovery coaching. 
  7. Describe the unique challenges faced by family members of trauma survivors and identify strategies to support their healing and well-being. 
  8. Explain the principles of trauma-informed couples coaching and its significance in addressing trauma-related challenges within relationships. 
  9. Articulate the benefits and challenges of trauma-informed group coaching and understand its unique dynamics compared to individual coaching. 
  10. Explain the importance of cultural competence in trauma-informed coaching and recognize how cultural factors can impact trauma survivors' experiences and needs. 
  11. Describe effective engagement strategies for trauma survivors and apply them in coaching scenarios to establish a productive and trust-based coaching relationship. 
  12. Recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue in themselves and their clients, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness in coaching practice. 

Course Lessons

TIC 201: Trauma-informed Coaching: Scope and Practice Roles and Issues 
Dina Jones, M.A. 

TIC 202: Making Connections: Building Rapport Winning Trust with Trauma Survivors 
Jennifer Ellers, M.A. 

TIC 203: The Role of Forgiveness in Communication and Enforcing of Clear Boundaries 
Christy Johnson, MBA 

TIC 204: Trauma Recovery Coaching: Core Lifestyle Practices for Recovery 
Jennifer Ellers, M.A. and Kevin Ellers, D.Min. 

TIC 205: Trauma-informed Coaching Ethics, Function and Referral  
Dina Jones, M.A. 

TIC 206: Post-traumatic Growth Coaching Techniques 
Georgia Shaffer, M.A. 

TIC 207: Coaching Family Members of Trauma Survivors: Building a Path Forward 
Jeff Mattson, M.A., and Terra Mattson, M.A. 

TIC 208: Trauma-informed Couples Coaching 
Chuck Elliott, M.A., and Ashley Elliott, M.S. 

TIC 209: Trauma-informed Group Coaching 
Georgia Shaffer, M.A. 

TIC 210: Culturally Competent Trauma-informed Coaching   
Mark Crear, Ph.D. 

TIC 211: Trauma-informed Coaching: Engagement and Application 
Dina Jones, M.A., Jennifer Ellers, M.A., Kevin Ellers, D.Min,, andChristy Johnson, MBA 

TIC 212: Preventing Burnout, Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue: Self Care Strategies 
Kevin Ellers, D.Min. 

Continuing Education 
12.00 CE Credits available for IBCC Credential Holders. 

This training offered through Light University meets the ongoing CE requirements for counselors, life coaches, and crisis responders who are credentialed through the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC) or one of its affiliate boards: the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counseling (BCPPC); the Board of Christian Life Coaching (BCLC); the Board of Mental Health Coaching (BMHC) and the Board of Christian Crisis and Trauma Response (BCCTR). For more information Light University Continuing Education programs, please visit: https://lightuniversity.com/continuing-education-statements/.