
Never Alone Foundation in Partnership with the American Association of Christian Counselors

Claim Your Never Alone scholarship Today

The Church is often the first point of contact when someone faces a mental health problem or traumatic event. In fact, in times of crisis, many will turn to a trusted friend or faith leader in their Church before they turn to a mental health professional. Imagine the Church becoming a mental health informed community for both believers and non-believers by answering God’s call to care and help meet someone’s immediate need.
American Association of Christian Counselors
Mental Health Coach Training – is a 42-hour distinctly Christian, clinically excellent course that will train you and help you become a “Certified Mental Health Coach” by the International Board of Christian Care.

Our Mission – to engage, educate, and equip churches and congregations and to train students all over America and around the world.

Who can enroll? Anyone with a calling to offer help, hope, and encouragement to those who are hurting and looking for guidance and direction in everyday life.


What is a coach?

Mental Health Coaches help loved ones and others develop a healthy balance in life, give guidance in decision making, offer support in navigating mental health difficulties, and assist in establishing a recovery plan. Coaches help find ways to obtain and maintain stability, manage difficult symptoms, rebuild relationships, and find purpose for living. Coaches also help find resources for professional care and treatment, family support, and education.

Choose a Never Alone Scholarship to Get Enrolled

Mental Health Coach - Never Alone

Youth Mental Health Coach - Never Alone

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