
Marriage Works

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $299.00.


Continuing Education   

Do you find that family and friends often come to you for help with their marital problems? Do you feel God has gifted you with a heart that desires to help these people, care for them and provide encouragement in marital relationships? Do you wish you were better trained and equipped, more skilled and better able to use God’s Word during these times? We have just the program for you! Marriage Works is a distance learning, 5 part, 30 lesson training program designed to educate and equip a community of helpers within the church to offer careful, Biblical encouragement, direction, hope and relational growth to couples everywhere.

MACO 101: The Marriage You Always Wanted
MACO 102: Secrets of a Deeper Love
MACO 103: Biblical Foundations: Marriage God’s Way
MACO 104: Talking Sense: Good Communication in Marriage
MACO 105: What’s Love Got To Do With It?: The Ways We Love
MACO 106: Negative Thinking in Marriage: Its Power and Problem
MACO 201: Falling in Love for all the Right Reasons
MACO 202: Preparing for Marriage and Pre-marital Counseling
MACO 203: Spiritual Intimacy: Becoming Soul Mates
MACO 204: Embracing Kids: Love through the Parenting Years
MACO 205: LUV Talk: A Communication Method for the Rest of Us
MACO 206: Marital Seasons: Keeping Love Alive Across the Years
MACO 301: Marital Drift: Recognizing It and Returning to the Mainstream
MACO 302: Depression in Marriage: Climbing Out of the Black Hole
MACO 303: An Angry Spirit: Seeing Red in Marriage
MACO 304: Past Hurts and Marital Satisfaction
MACO 305: Marital Secrets and Values Conflicts between Couples
MACO 306: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Marriage
MACO 401: Domestic Violence: Confronting Physical and Sexual Abuse
MACO 402: The Affair: Getting Beyond Marital Betrayal
MACO 403: Substance Abuse in Marriage: Getting Past the Chaos
MACO 404: Sexual Intimacy: Developing Closeness and Bridging the Gender Gap
MACO 405: Loss in Marriage: Embracing the Hope of Heaven
MACO 406: Sexual Problem-Solving: Healing the Pain, Restoring the Intimacy
MACO 501: Hope-focused Marriage Counseling: Ten Interventions
MACO 502: Law and Ethics in Marital Ministry and Intervention
MACO 503: Living with An Unbelieving Spouse
MACO 504: Boundaries and Separation in Marriage
MACO 505: Surviving Divorce and Living Again
MACO 506: Marriage Policy and Advocacy in Church and Society