
Women’s Coaching

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $299.00.


Women represent a large segment of those who both provide and seek out life coaching. This series begins by explaining the profound ways in which women differ from men, and because of this, how one’s coaching practice should respond to these unique needs. The insights discussed in this course relate to women and their relationship with God, leadership in ministry, personality and identity differences, physical wellness, financial issues, conflict resolution, personal and professional management, and life transitions.

MLCW 101: Introduction to Coaching Women - There are significant differences between coaching men and coaching women. God has created women to be different from their male counterparts and effective coaching includes appropriate awareness and skill set. His presentation offers a fresh and professional orientation to coaching women and how they were created especially for relationships.
MLCW 102: A Woman and Her God: Prayer, Devotion and the Spiritual Life - A woman’s relationship with God is meant to be a love relationship; intimate and deeply satisfying. Does each woman long for such a love life? Beth Moore shares truths that will rekindle one’s love relationship with God, giving it new spark. She speaks from her heart and a well-spring of God’s Word, showing women how to change dry devotions into a personal devotion to the Lord. This lesson will show women how routine times with God can become intimate encounters that will satisfy the soul and spirit.
MLCW 103: A Woman and Her Ministry: Sharing the Faith and Growing the Church - Women played strategic roles in Jesus’ ministry. He is still calling women to participate fully in ministry and service. Highly respected for her influence and expertise in women’s ministry, Jill Briscoe shows a woman how to listen for and respond to God’s call on her life.
MLCW 104: A Woman and Her Personality: Understanding Yourself and Others - This lesson offers a lighthearted and encouraging look at how God gives each woman a unique personality with its own strengths and weaknesses. Florence Littauer shows how understanding personalities helps women improve relationships in marriage, family life, at work, in friendship, and at church. Learn to get along better with people, while growing to appreciate one’s own self and others more.
MLCW 105: A Woman and Her Identity: Made in the Image of God - When coaching women, it is important to help women address issues of their identity and value. It is also crucial for coaches to help women define a sense of mission and purpose for their lives. This course will help coaches understand issues of identity specific to women and give them practical tools to coach women toward defining both mission and vision for their lives.
MLCW 106: A Woman and Her Body: Fitness, Diet, Beauty and Healthy Living - This lesson is a personal coaching session packed with practical ideas to enhance health, energy, and vitality. Most women are so busy giving to others they neglect themselves. Learn practical, day-to-day self-care strategies to intentionally improve health and well-being.
MLCW 107: A Woman and Her Finances: Finding and Keeping Financial Freedom - Mary Hunt tells her story of breaking free from overwhelming debt and financial pressures. This lesson presents a godly and realistic approach to make finances a positive part of a woman’s life. It also identifies warning signs that indicate financial trouble ahead, as well as practical steps that people can take to prevent it.
MLCW 108: Balance Produces Wholeness: Key Principles in Managing Work, Home and Life - By design, women take on many different roles and responsibilities in life. Among other things, women are busy, are nurturers and are relational in nature. Women need a healthy balance in order to live in wholeness. This session discusses how a Life Coach can help female clients construct a unique plan for creating balance in the key areas of life producing the wholeness in which she is designed to live.
MLCW 109: A Woman's Guide to Handling Conflict - This trusted psychologist shows women how to distinguish between being merely a peacekeeper and becoming a peacemaker. Some women avoid conflict at any cost – but the cost may be too high. There are times that conflict is worth the risk to bring about true and lasting peace. Leslie Vernick teaches how to distinguish when the situation is worth the risk, and how to resolve conflicts to achieve genuine peace.
MLCW 110: Winning the Battle for Your Mind - Linda Barrick reflects on a life-changing event that forced her to have to make the choice of being bitter or better for herself and her family. Throughout this course, Linda shares numerous examples where God allowed her to learn through her own experiences and those of her family, how she could win the battle for her mind.
MLCW 111: Coaching Women Through Life Transitions - Coaching can help make transitions easier for women. This course addresses several common life transitions experienced by women today and offers practical tips to coaching women during these tumultuous times of transition.
MLCW 112: Fifty is Gold: Life Through and Beyond Menopause - Menopause and peri-menopause are challenging transition times for any woman. Learn to help women go through these physical, emotional, and spiritual changes successfully. Learn signs, symptoms, realistic expectations, and what is and is not normal. This lesson also touches on the issues of traditional medicine, diet, exercise, and herbal remedies.