
Get your Life Coaching for Marriage & Family Certificate Today!

Marriage and Family Coaching features two courses to equip you with the tools needed to promote loving and welcoming homes – and the skills required to help others recover from upbringings absent of healthy family relationships.


Life Coaching for Marriage & Family


Mental Health Coach: Marriage & Family 101 & 102

24 CE Credits • IBCC Certification

total cost is $634.00 with fees

Marriage & Family Certification includes:

Digital Text Book

Certificate of completion

24 CEU Credits

Industry Leading Instruction

24 Course Modules

Course Lessons and Descriptions

Mental Health Coach: Marriage & Family 101

Welcome to Marriage & Family 101: Building a Solid Foundation

This course provides a biblical overview of marriage and family systems, specifically looking at the foundations, models, and techniques necessary for effective counseling with couples and families. Current trends, contemporary issues and growing threats to the faith-based family are all examined in greater detail.

Course Lessons

Module 1:

  • MFRL 205-101: Welcome and Course Introduction
  • MFRL 205-102: Building A Family Legacy: Your Legacy
  • MFRL 205-103: Foundational Concepts of Marital and Family Therapy
  • MFRL 205-104: The Foundation of Society
  • MFRL 205-105: While They’re Young

Module 2:

  • MFRL 205-201: Building A Family Legacy #2: Wanting To Believe
  • MFRL 205-202: Family Development and Conceptualization of Family Functioning
  • MFRL 205-203: Keys to a Healthy Marriage
  • MFRL 205-204: Terrible Twos

Module 3:

  • MFRL 205-301: Building A Family Legacy #3: Bringing Up Boys
  • MFRL 205-302: Parenting Newborns and Those Early Years I
  • MFRL 205-303: Parenting Newborns and Those Early Years II
  • MFRL 205-304: Communication in the Family
  • MFRL 205-305: Time with Children

Module 4:

  • MFRL 205-401: Building A Family Legacy #4: Bringing up Girls
  • MFRL 205-402: Parenting 101: From Discipline to Sexuality I
  • MFRL 205-403: Parenting 101: From Discipline to Sexuality II
  • MFRL 205-404: Be There Dad
  • MFRL 205-405: How Dads Shape Kids

Module 5:

  • MFRL 205-501: Building A Family Legacy #5: The Strong Willed Child
  • MFRL 205-502: Being there For Your Son I
  • MFRL 205-503: Being There for Your Son II
  • MFRL 205-504: Stress and the Human Body
  • MFRL 205-505: Actions Lead to Consequences

Module 6:

  • MFRL 205-601: Building A Family Legacy #7: Straight Talk to Men
  • MFRL 205-602: The Silent Struggle of Infertility and Miscarriage
  • MFRL 205-603: Beating the Baby Blues
  • MFRL 205-604: How to Tell Your Kids about Adoption
  • MFRL 205-605: Keeping Grandparents Close

Module 7:

  • MFRL 205-701: Building A Family Legacy #7: Dare to Discipline
  • MFRL 205-702: Making Marriage Last
  • MFRL 205-703: Single Parent Blues
  • MFRL 205-704: The Broken Family Epidemic

Module 8:

  • MFRL 205-801: Building A Family Legacy #8: Love for a Lifetime
  • MFRL 205-802: The Seven Habits of a Healthy Marriage
  • MFRL 205-803: Growing Up with Values
Mental Health Coach: Marriage & Family 201

Welcome to Marriage & Family 201: Love and Relationships

This course equips students with a biblical overview of relationships, romance and marriage, as well as providing the necessary counseling knowledge to assist couples in cultivating successful and full relationships. Current trends and issues in marriage are discussed while presenting effective, theoretical tools that all marriages to outlast the test of time.

Course Lessons

Module 1:

  • MFRL 207-101: Welcome and Course Introduction
  • MFRL 207-102: Falling in Love
  • MFRL 207-103: The First Years of Marriage I
  • MFRL 207-104: The First Years of Marriage II
  • MFRL 207-105: Love is Like a Rose
  • MFRL 207-106: Dating Your Mate

Module 2:

  • MFRL 207-201: Creating A Safe Haven Marriage: Building Emotional Closeness and Safety
  • MFRL 207-202: Building a Safe Haven in Marriage I
  • MFRL 207-203: Building a Safe Haven in Marriage II
  • MFRL 207-204: To Build a Fire
  • MFRL 207-205: Anticipating Problems in Marriage

Module 3:

  • MFRL 207-301: How Couples Lose at Love: Battling Disaffection in Marriage
  • MFRL 207-302: Creating a Win-Win Marriage: Communication, Conflicts and Decisions
  • MFRL 207-303: The Comparison Trap
  • MFRL 207-304: Fatigue and Time Pressures

Module 4:

  • MFRL 207-401: Love Languages
  • MFRL 207-402: The Challenge of Communication
  • MFRL 207-403: Loving Toughness
  • MFRL 207-404: Divorce Equals Disease

Module 5:

  • MFRL 207-501: Women and Sex: Freeing Women to Embrace Sexuality
  • MFRL 207-502: Sexuality and the Search for Intimacy
  • MFRL 207-503: Regenerate Romantic Feelings
  • MFRL 207-504: More Sparks in Marriage

Module 6:

  • MFRL 207-601: Hope Focused Marriage Counseling
  • MFRL 207-602: The Languages of Apology: Regret, Responsibility, Restitution, Repentance & Requesting
  • MFRL 207-603: High Voltage Marriage
  • MFRL 207-604: Crossing the Barbed Wire Fence

Module 7:

  • MFRL 207-701: The Woman’s Role in Marriage
  • MFRL 207-702: Going All Out for Your Wife I
  • MFRL 207-703: Going All Out for Your Wife II
  • MFRL 207-704: Learning to Fight Fair
  • MFRL 207-705: Mystique in Marriage

Module 8:

  • MFRL 207-801: The Necessary Nine: Staying Happily Married for a Lifetime
  • MFRL 207-802: Marriage: Keeping Love Alive
  • MFRL 207-803: Forgiveness
  • MFRL 207-804: Dream Big Dreams

Professional Life Coaching for Crisis Pregnancy Certification


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change the world

Industry Leading Faculty

Catherine Hart Weber, Ph.D.

Catherine Hart Weber, Ph.D.







Ted Cunningham, M.A.C.E.

Ted Cunningham, M.A.C.E.

Georgia Shaffer, M.A.

Georgia Shaffer, M.A.

Valorie Burton, MAPP

Valorie Burton, MAPP



Tim Clinton, Ed.D.

Tim Clinton, Ed.D.

Ben Allison, Esq., MBA

Ben Allison, Esq., MBA

Professional Life Coaching for Crisis Pregnancy

Professional Life Coaching for Crisis Pregnancy Certification with Specialized Training

The 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study revealed that 85% of clients searching for a coach say it’s important or very important that they coach hold a certification or credential. Earning an advanced IBCC Credential provides you with instant credibility and increased visibility to prospective clients. Holding a credential – especially an IBCC Credential – is extremely important to today’s coaching clients.

Frequently Asked Questions about Light’s Trauma and Crisis Intervention Training

What does it mean to be a trauma-informed coach?

Trauma-informed coaches are knowledgeable about the tell-tale signs of trauma but are not qualified to treat trauma. In fact, tasking someone who is not a licensed professional with treating trauma could result in the re-traumatization of a client.  


Trauma-informed coaching is a skill that entails being able to recognize the signs of trauma, deftly bringing the client to a place of mental stability and referring the person to a licensed professional who is able to treat the trauma.

What is the difference between a coach and a therapist?

There are several differences between a coach and a therapist, though the most notable distinction is that therapists are licensed professionals while coaches are not. As such, the treatment strategies of therapists differ from those used by coaches.  


While therapists often seek to help their clients recover from mental illness. Areas of treatment for therapists include, but are not limited to: 


  • Addictions 
  • Anxiety 
  • Bipolar disorder 
  • Clinical depression 
  • Trauma 


On the other hand, coaches do not seek to help their clients recover from mental illness. Instead, coaches focus more on the development of positive thinking patterns.

What certifications do you need to become a trauma-informed coach?

Though the coaching niche is unregulated, no certifications are needed to become a coach, proper training is strongly advised. Think about it – you wouldn’t want to learn baseball from someone who never played, would you? 


If you’d like to become a trauma-informed coach who can confidently identify signs of trauma and refer people to the correct licensed professional, Light’s online crisis response and trauma-informed care certification program is an excellent fit. With training that covers topics ranging from how children react to crises, anxiety and depression, and trauma attachment theory, our trauma-informed certification doesn’t just benefit you – it benefits those you serve.

Can life coaches treat trauma?

Life coaches cannot, and should not try, to treat trauma. Coaches who attempt to treat trauma may re-traumatize their clients and further agitate deep emotional wounds. Trauma treatment is reserved for licensed mental health professionals alone.

“AACC has trained thousands of coaches throughout the years and is now excited to help lead and train the next generation of Christian life coaches. Now, more than ever is the time for trained and specialized Christian coaches to meet the growing need for services.

Dr. Tim Clinton

President, American Association of Christian Counselors